PMR446 Wiki

What Is PMR

What Is PMR

Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) stands as a cornerstone in the realm of digital two-way communications. Commonly used outside the United States, where the term Land Mobile Radio (LMR) prevails, PM...

What are the advantages of PMR446 walkie talkies over licensed business radios?

PMR446 radios, also known as walkie-talkies, are designed by Talkpod for simplicity and ease of use. They serve as an excellent tool for short-range communications, especially in areas lacking mobi...

What does PMR446 stand for?

What does PMR446 stand for?

PMR446 is a licence free radio service used by two-way radio users in the UK and throughout Europe. The letters PMR stand for Private Mobile Radio and the number 446 relates to the frequency band 4...